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[导师介绍] 【恩师录】一粒微尘——胡明哲

发表于 2015-4-30 13:25:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国北京

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“微尘”胡明哲作品展自序Artist statement
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白日梦 225X155cm 1999 岩彩
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读之一 145X155cm 1997 岩彩
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几之二 60X50cm 1998 岩彩

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漂浮之一 82X124cm 2005 岩彩、综合材料
The word "Mote" is derived from Buddhism and indicates that all the substance in the universe are constituted by fundamental particles, nowhere and everywhere. Rock color is made by particles of rocks, so that in the vast cosmos, these particles of rocks are the motes of the earth, and the earth is a mote of the cosmos. Could we say human beings are part of this phenomenon? I use rock particles within my philosophy to examine the world
寻梦 112X145cm 1998 岩彩
In the past 20 years, my works had several changes in form, and each evolution occured naturally following my mental transformation. Apparently, the transformation of my creations seems intense. However, each step is in fact a natural transition, neither pre-designed nor a deliberate pursuit, it is all based on the spiritual conversation with rock color, and my attempt to complete the evolution of my visual language, which is constantly expanding during my creation. Both my life and art are accepted by how it is, not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses, just let nature take its course and be free.

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野 24X33cm 2008 岩彩、纤维
Nowadays, I want to make my work ¡°larger¡±. In this case ¡°larger¡± refers to my broadened exploration and the natural law beyond the size of my work. Human beings are small compared to nature on a grand scale, and as such. We should sometimes drop our self-consciousness and be aware that these natural laws are greater than humanity. I want my art to present a natural state objectively, without a clear theme or content. During my creation process or when audience meet my works, I hope we can all feel that we have access to the inner space of nature, and that we have the ability to visualize the nature itself.
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夜曲 117X91cm 1996 岩彩
After I became conscious about my life as a piece of ¡°mote¡±, all the sudden, my spirit became open and clear. We are all pieces of the mote. We should embrace this truth and cherish every moment in life as we earnestly fulfill our role in a life-cycle process. My belief represented through my work is to understand the humbleness of life while recognizing the positive side that the fundamental particles composing the universe, however small, have meaningful existence within this grand process of natural laws.
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都市幻影 2011 岩彩、综合材料
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都市幻影局部1 2011 岩彩、综合材料
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都市幻影局部2 2011 岩彩、综合材料
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都市幻影局部3 2011 岩彩、综合材料

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都市幻影局部4 2011 岩彩、综合材料
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都市幻影局部5 2011 岩彩、综合材料
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都市幻影局部6 2011 岩彩、综合材料
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都市幻影局部7 2011 岩彩、综合材料
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都市幻影局部8 2011 岩彩、综合材料‘
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都市幻影局部9 2011 岩彩、综合材料
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往事如流 2007 岩彩、综合材料
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往事如流展场 废弃的日本小学楼道
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星 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料
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星展现场 2011 30x30cmx33 岩彩、综合材料
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星之八 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

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星之二 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

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星之九 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料 0.webp (26).jpg

星之九  2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

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星之六 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

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星之七 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

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星之三 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

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星之十 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

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星之四 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

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星之五 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

星之一 2011 30x30cmx33岩彩、综合材料

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发表于 2015-4-30 15:24:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东枣庄


是啊 突破  详情 回复 发表于 2015-4-30 18:35
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-30 18:35:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国河北廊坊
毛奎峰的工笔画 发表于 2015-4-30 15:24

是啊    突破
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发表于 2017-7-5 10:30:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 日本

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